Nurseries and Baby Gear

City Micro vs City Mini????

I found a used City Mini for $125 but found the City micro new for $111. I was wondering the difference between the two!
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#2-BO 6/6/13 D/C     #3 natural m/c 8/6/13 

#4 EDD 5/19/14 It's a boy! 

Re: City Micro vs City Mini????

  • Literally the only difference is the size of thewheels. The mini wheels are bigger tthan the micro
    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
  • I have the City Mini double and the micro single.  The only difference is the wheels and the backing of the seat is not a hard surface.
    For the price difference, get the city mini.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Emily 8.8.08
    Madeline 1.2.11
    William 8.5.12
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  • Thanks! The micro is new but the mini is used.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    #2-BO 6/6/13 D/C     #3 natural m/c 8/6/13 

    #4 EDD 5/19/14 It's a boy! 

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