I think I am going stir crazy. Here is my situation...I am a first time mom and went from being super busy with my business and being involved with a lot of stuff to being a SAHM with twins. Not only that but my mom comes to help me every day (almost all day). My boys are 8 months old now and just in the last month got sleep trained for naps (they STTN from 7pm to 6:30am). So my dilemma is this - In feel so cooped up. I don't know what I can do with my boys either by myself or with my mothers help in such a short period of time. I am pretty sure the babies are bored at home too. They have only about a 2.5 hour wake time right now. Maybe if we were out and about it would be longer, but that won't happen every single day. I'm afraid that I will mess up the good sleep that they are finally doing, but I really want to go do something. It's so hard to be mobile now days. Please suggest some ideas of things we can do. We occasionally go for walks and to the park, but the weather is hot here so it's not too often.
On top of that I want to cut my moms time back, but she suffers from depression and I am afraid it will devastate her. But I really could use some time apart from her. If any of you had help with your twins, how long did you have the help for?
Maybe they will change their sleep patterns soon and be awake longer. Then I can get out more! LOL

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Re: Question for the SAH MoMs! (partial vent)
We had a postpartum doula 2 nights a week for the first month. Besides that we had about three weeks' worth of family members come to help, spread out over the first two months. My parents live in town and my mom is great to watch them when we need it, but she would just text me in the morning to see if I needed help. (Now she watches them every day because we are both working again.)
Your mom might be ready to cut back her hours too. I would just tell her that while you love having her over, you don't need help every day now, and she's welcome to come or not. (I am sure some people would be more direct, but you know her best, and it sounds like she is pretty sensitive.)
As far as ideas - 2.5 hours is definitely long enough to get out of the house, unless you live in the boonies or something.
As far as ideas, your mom could be a huge help here. Some of these are solo, kids-in-the-stroller ideas and some are grandma & mom each take a kid ideas.
- Walk the mall
- Go to Target or Toys R Us
- Go to the children's museum - ours has a GREAT baby-only area where everything is safe and they have tons of sensory toys and crawling/toddling space
- Story time at the library
- Baby swim lessons, baby music lessons/group, mom meet-ups
- Play dates with other moms - we met a couple at our birthing class and we just go to her house or she comes to our house to have coffee and let the babies hang out - nice just to see a different face or be in a different house (she and I both work swing shift so that has worked out well)
Also my local gym has a great daycare so I plan on joining that so not only do I get a little break and can work out but the boys get a change of scenery and new toys to play with!
I have never heard of a Gymboree class, I will check into it! Thanks.
It's nice that your mom is helping you, though I can also see how you'd want some of your own life back by now. How is she w/ the babies alone? Maybe she could occasionally watch them while you run out for awhile, meet a friend for lunch, etc? Or, ditto PP's suggestion to go to her place sometimes. My mom lives very close and she set up a whole nursery w/ cribs and everything so I can come over there from time to time without sacrificing the babies' routine....it's nice! As far as discussing the subject with her, have you talked about her schedule before? Is she coming over on her own or have you been asking her to come over? Maybe you could bring it up by talking about how much easier the babies have been getting, etc, asking if she wants some of her time back, or maybe that you could make a schedule so she could come over frequently but have "days off" to do what she wants to do? It can be a sensitive subject, and you know best how she might react, but I wish you luck with however you decide to handle it!
Hang in there, mama; it's not an easy job you're doing, but you are not alone!
I appreciate the ideas for my mom. It is definitely a sensitive subject as this is her whole life right now.