I went for my 7 week ultrasound on Monday and was shocked to see two sacs. Then sad to realize they were measuring closer to 5 weeks. I went for bloodwork on Tuesday and it was right around 30k which seems to be right for twins around 5.5 weeks. I went back today to get bloodwork to compare Tuesdays results to and now I am just waiting. Really hope I just ovulated late.. At the same time really nervous at the thought of twins!!
TTC since 4/2010
Clomid 3/2011 & 4/2011
BFP 5/2011 Natural MC 5/20/11 BFP 7/3/11

BFP 11/9/2012
dx Partial Molar Pregnancy - D&C 12/11/12
HCG 12/10/2012 -96000
HCG 12/19/2012 -888
HCG 12/27/2012 -146
HCG 1/2/2013 -275
HCG 1/9/2013 -788
Dx with gestational trophoblastic disease 1/3/13
Meet with Oncologist for 1/11/2013
Second D&C 1/16
HCG 1/23/2013 - 88
HCG 1/30/2013 - 0 miracle!!!!!
Re: Really hope to join you ladies!