Nurseries and Baby Gear

UppaBaby Vista

Hello!  We are expecting our 4th in January and will have a 5, 3 and 2 year old when the baby comes.  Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the UppaBaby and Rumbleseat (for when my 2 year old needs to catch a ride..not really looking to use this as a double stroller) and the stand on board.  Thanks in advance!

Re: UppaBaby Vista

  • I have a vista and hated the rumble seat for my 28 month old. It was to close and she was able to kick the other seat. She could on face me not the outside world. The weight limit is low, only 35lbs and she's already 30lbs. I ended up buying a city select
  • Thanks Cavalier79.  I am so torn! I keep hearing the same complaints that you are listing about the UBV, but I don't really need a designated double like the BJCS.  My older kids mostly want to walk or ride bikes, so I am looking more for a single with the option to add the seat if it's too much walking for DS2 and DS3.  Maybe I need to go to a store and give it a try with them in it.  Thanks again!!
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  • I had a Vista that I sold when DS was born and I kind of regret it.  I think it can be a great part time double.  I would have liked to keep it for the mall and errands.  I have a BOB Duallie which I use for walks but the Vista would have been nice when I need both kids contained.  

    The B-Ready is a better full time tandem double but if you are only using the Vista seat sometimes I think it's nice.  I actually just saw a pic from a friend the other day that had a newborn in the main seat, a 2 year old in the rumble seat and two 4 year olds on the piggy back board.  It was impressive! 
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  • Get the rumble seat - I sold my Vista, along with the rumble seat to purchase a Bumbleride Indie Twin and I regret it. My son loved the rumble seat, but I needed something more rugged for longer walks to the park, zoo, etc. But my son now wants to walk or ride his bike most of the time so the rumble seat would still be perfect for us for just popping him in and out as needed. Now I don't have a single stroller for DD (just an umbrella stroller) and she won't sleep in that. Keep the Vista!!! It's the best! You have the option for one or two kids whenever you want.
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  • Thanks so much for the input.  I really don't have too many choices that fit the bill of what I'm looking for.  Something for the baby (I'm a big bassinet fan so that is important), my 2.5yr old (when Baby is born) and my almost 4yr old (when Baby is born).  Looking for a rumble/toddler seat for my DS3 and a standing board for my DS2.  I already have a valco tri mode that I love (but it's fading and doesn't look pretty anymore!) and will use that for zoo trips, bumpy treks etc.  But, for shorter trips, malls, when the boys want to ride bikes etc and so it's just baby, I think I'm in love with the UppaBaby Vista :)
  • You can use the BJCS as a single and just double it when you need to.  I have a handful of friends with the UBV and three sold it for a BJCS, one kept it but doesn't like it and the other one has it in her garage but doesn't use it.
    GL with your decision!
    ME: 27  ||  DH:  28
    TTC #1 since August 2013

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    Pregnant 12/2014

  • You can use the bassinet & the second seat together with the B Ready. We love ours, its great as a single (SO similar to the vista) but is more flexible as a double. The CS is a great full time double but it's a beast as a single.

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  • Thanks Ladies for all your input and thoughts.  I think I've decided to keep my Valco Tri Mode wich can hold anywhere from one to all four of the kids if/when needed and is very much all terrain but will also get UBV as my dedicated single.  I also have a Baby Trend Double Sit and stand which will come in handy at times too.  I have an addiction  (The UBV will be #18).
  • Thanks Ladies for all your input and thoughts.  I think I've decided to keep my Valco Tri Mode wich can hold anywhere from one to all four of the kids if/when needed and is very much all terrain but will also get UBV as my dedicated single.  I also have a Baby Trend Double Sit and stand which will come in handy at times too.  I have an addiction  (The UBV will be #18).
    Hahaha I love strollers too! The only other thing I would do in your scenario is the B-Ready.  I don't think you will like the City Select for your needs.  
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    We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
    Team Green turned Team Pink with #1, Team Green turned Team Blue with #2, Team Green turned Team Pink again with #3
  • @Edp913 that is the other one I was thinking about but picked the UBV over it because of the option to have the jump seat and the boogy could technically have 3 kids on it.   I looked at some of the BJCS this weekend and don't think it's right for us at all.  Thanks for your input from a fellow stroller fan :)
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