And she loved it! It makes me so happy to share something with her that she loves so much. She absolutely loves bath time and then naked time so much. And she squirms & squeals. She gets out any excess energy that she might have & goes down for a few hours.?
Now she's happily sleeping in her crib & I'm about to go to bed. ?
Re: We took a bath together again
That is how we always do baths and it is great, the babies love it so much and so do we.
My friend gave me this neato little mesh sling on a frame that sits in the bath and you can lay a newborn on it. She said it was the best thing ever.
I also heard you can use a bumbo to sit baby up in the shower (out of the spray). The mom I bought mine off of says she did this when her son had croup and it was AWESOME.
it's all fun and games until someone poops in the tub (and that someone is named Avery Elizabeth!!!)
now I have a bath tub with remnants of baby poop in it until I can scrub it out tomorrow.
we followed the bath (which was very long and nice and relaxing) with a luke warm shower because of the poop and because we used all the hot water!