I'm sure there's plenty of this & I'm trying to figure out how to overcome it. So anything you ladies can suggest I'd appreciate it. Husband hates all my names. Then the one name he doesn't throw out- he said well what about a middle name. I said I didn't get that far. I can't get past you hating all the first names lol... So I suggested middle names and he hates all them. Then tells me to pick a middle name & go from there. I feel like beating my head against a desk. So I ask him for ideas and he has none. Not a single one. Just hates all mine for her.
Help lol... A different approach? Anything? Lol
Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy.
Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013
TTC Our first miracle baby.
Re: Husband.
BFP #2 11/6/13 - EDD 7/14/14 - blighted ovum discovered @ 7w - natural m/c @ 10w3d
BFP #3 5/25/14 - EDD 2/1/15 - Hoping this is our 2nd little owl
A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!
Another tip- At this point we're wittling down our short list so I made a card stock sheet with sticky notes of all our name choices. Once in a while we'll throw the names on in order of preference and check in with how the other is feeling about them. We've gone from 8 names to 3 in a couple weeks. It's quick, simple and man-friendly. GL!
TTC #1 since 2009
3 clomid cycles = BFNs
3 IUI cycles = BFN
DS born 04/08/12
TTC #2
1 cancelled FET July 2013
on a 2 cycle treatment break
Surprise BFP Aug 2013
Beta #1 833 Beta # 2 1633
I did however get one suggestion. Wooooohoooo progress ladies!