So, as glad as I am to see 2008 come to a close, something lurks in 09 that scares the crap out of me: Age 35. ?
I know it is just a number. ?I know it is irrational. ?I know it is not old. ? ? ?Yet, I feel anxious.?
I guess I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that I will turn 35 with no children and potentially not even be pregnant. ??
I know everyone has things that bother them; this is one of mine.
Thanks for indulging me!?
Re: Having some anxiety over my age lately...
I hope you get your BFP this year and then it will make 35 be wonderful.
It's ok. I thought I was going to make it, too.... I'd have been due right after my 35th birthday if I hadn't miscarried. So here I am, looking down the barrel at 36.
FWIW, I've never once had a doctor mention my age. But it bugs me a lot, too. I wanted to be pregnant before I was 35.
Me too. I'll be 35 in October. Though I love the fact that on some of the donor egg boards I'm a "baby." I guess it's all relative!
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
I dreaded 35, because I was still single. I knew as soon as I mentioned the number, people would think 3 things of me (due to a variety of stupid articles about 35yo women at the time):
I hated men
I was desperate to have a baby
I was a miserable person
Instead I ended up meeting DH and getting married at 36. So 35 wasn't so bad after all
Thanks, Ladies.?
You didn't say when your birthday is, but I turned 35 on Sept 29th and got my BFP on Oct 2nd. That was the best belated birthday present a girl could have asked for.

And a bonus, I'll still only be 35 when I deliver!
35 has proven to be a lucky age for me. Best of luck to you!
Megan Hope 2yrs 3months
Depending on your IVF timing in March, you could end up in the same boat as me! Good luck!
Megan Hope 2yrs 3months
Oh Smilee....I totally understand. I don't even know that it matters your age. I am going to be 29 this year, and I am terrified I will make it there and not be pg. I thought I would be having baby #2 by now. Ugh.
We'll be pg though - we HAVE to be!
I will be 35 in October. It worries me too - but my doctor says it is not a problem.
My sister-in-law got pregnant for the first time at 37.