We went out to dinner the other night and I over heard a conversation at another table about how these women power cleaned.
They blast the music and set a timer for 1 hour to see how much they can get done. After the hour they take a short break and do it for another hour. If they don't get all the cleaning done in a day - they do the same routine the next day or whenever.
I thought about giving it a shot, but I get distracted to easily. Has anyone heard of this or done this?
Re: NBR: Does anyone Power Clean?
Hm...interesting. I think it's a great idea.
I don't do it because if a song came on that I didn't like I would constantly stop to change the channel.
I watch tv when I clean. Not the best way though.
I do! On the weekends I tell DH that I need his help for one hour, then we make a list of things that need to get done and we choose what we want to do. We put the radio on and get going.
Sadly I am the one that always ends up cleaning the toilet and doing the dishes:(
Usually I get more in "cleaning moods" where it just hits me and I clean like crazy. I'm a very sporadic cleaner though because I'll start in one room and go to another to get something then start cleaning that room. It all gets done but it drives my DH crazy that the house in 1/2 done
I don't think I'd do well on a timer, I'm distracted to easy and once I start it all needs to be done, not just an hours worth.
I think that I could do it if I shut my phone off and just put my mind on "cleaning mode". In a weird sort of way it does sound kind of fun.
Can you imagine all of us setting our timers for an hour and cleaning like crazy? We should have a cleaning day marathon some Saturday. We could share with each other what we got done and how we accomplished it.