I was seeing an RE. Hadn't started treatment yet, but was planning on starting IUI and injectables in November. However, I got my period right before we were supposed to be traveling for Thanksgiving. AF was unexpected because I typically do not get periods on my own (diagnosed with HA). Well, I was super annoyed because I finally got my period and we were going to be out of town while I was to be monitored. So my OB had previously prescribed me a script of Clomid which I had never used, decided to go straight to RE. I decided to use it since I was not going to be around for the monitoring, etc and didn't want to miss the opportunity since I never get AF. Well, I became pregnant and had a miscarriage. I was seen and treated by my OB (didn't know who to go to so I just went back to OB since she gave me the clomid). Well, just had my follow up aptt with her and my conception and miscarriage was unusual (long story), so she wants me to go back to the RE.
I called the RE nurse and never heard back.Told her my story. Should I have just made an appt for a follow up appt with the RE? I know every office is different, but I didn't know who to talk to and it is so hard to get a hold of someone at the office!
Re: Make follow up appt with RE or call nurse?