Does everyone think just because you're off work and home with a baby that you don't have a schedule? I am so irritated right now. I work with my cousin and she called me this morning and wanted to come out to see the baby.. she's bringing two co-workers. This was about 10:30 this morning.. she said she'd be here at 2. SO.. I try to feed him a little early so he'll be just fed when they get here.. I run around and take a shower.. make myself presentable.. clean my house as best I can.. since obviously cleaning hasn't been my priority lately.
At 2:45.. I finally call her to see if they are lost of something. She says.. oh no Donna (one of my co-workers) had a dentist appt. so we didn't meet until 2:30 and I'm running late so we should be there by 4. Yeah thanks for calling to let me know. DH works nights so by 4 he'll be making dinner and I'll be feeding again. Then I get online to check my email and she freakin' emailed me to tell me that.. like I have time to check my email multiple times per day.
Is it just me or is that totally rude?
Re: visitors-- vent!
I vote for RUDE!!!!!!!!! Clearly, she seems to think that you are ready for a visitor at the ring of the bell. I would write her back and tell her that next time you'd appreciate a phone call since you and the baby have a schedule and you went to special lengths to be ready for a 2:00pm visit. You can say that without being rude. . .
I hope that you enjoy the visit, but man. . . next time. . . .I'd be tempted not to answer the phone!
Ditto. Rude. Even pre-baby I was always trying to be considerate, and on-time when people say to show up. It's a little harder now with his unpredictable schedule, but I still try.
I'd call them back and say that you can't do this afternoon. Esp. if DH will be running out shortly after they arrive. Have them come another day and ask them to be considerate of the babie's schedule and arrive as agreed upon.
Photo by Zemya Photography