
Twin Breastfeeding Pillows

Hi ladies!  My boys are 2 months, and I am just now starting to try to do tandem only since we're getting on more of a schedule.  I have the Twin Brest Friend Pillow, and I've been having so much trouble with it.  I have a small frame, so there's a huge gap in the middle, and the babies tend to fall into the hole.  The boys always seem to slide backward as well.  I've tried propping it up underneath the sides and stuffing it with blankets and pillows in the middle, but nothing seems to work well, and it just takes so long to get it set up.  Also, no matter what I do, my back just kills me.  Any recommendations on a twin feeding pillow for someone with a small frame?  Or do you have any tips for using the Brest Friend successfully?  Is  there a certain type of pillow I can stick in the back to offer good back support?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated...I really want to make this work.  Thanks so much!
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Re: Twin Breastfeeding Pillows

  • I have been tandem feeding since day one (they are now a little over 5 months) and I exclusively use the my breast friend. I always sit Indian style which actually props the babies right up to breast level. I find its also more comfortable. I'm assuming you know you can tighten the back support, too?

    I hope you get it figured out!
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