Parenting after a Loss


I was just looking back through posts from the last couple days and saw your response about the pain down there.  My pain is mostly in my clitoris too... what the heck???  I can't tell if the tissue is irritated or what, but it hurts SO stinking bad. 

When I have more than a few minutes, I'll be sending you an email.  I have some questions and just need to talk to someone who has dealt with PPD.  I don't know if it's what I'm dealing with or if this is all regular hormonal stuff, but I know you'll have some good insight.  Hopefully I'll get around to it today.  How are you feeling???  I feel so bad that I left you hanging and haven't checked back to see how you're doing, especially now that I'm feeling these extreme emotions and might understand a little about how you were/are feeling.  I hope you're doing a little better and please forgive me for dropping off the face of the earth!


  • Hey my love... I adore the new siggy pic! Steve just walked by and asked who the cute baby was....:)

    Yes, please email me - I would love to talk to you about this stuff. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. And don't worry one minute about "dropping off the face of the earth". I did the same thing in those first weeks. Take all the time you need but email me if you want to talk... I should be around this evening...

    And yeah. no joke about the pain. No one warns you about these things, huh? And I still feel like I have a freaking yeast infection. I'm like totally addicted to Vagisil. Ugg.

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