DS is a fussy baby and has been from day one. I love him to death, but he definitley challenges us!
He also fights going to sleep. Someone usually has to be holding him, with a nuk in his mouth, his back being patted and rocked and he has to be swaddled in order for him to fall asleep. I've tried putting him down in his crib from day one, but usually within a half an hour, he would wake up.
Because of this we have been co-sleeping since. I REALLY want him to sleep in his crib, but I have NO idea how to get him to sleep in it.
I'm starting to lack confidence in myself because of this. I don't know what to do with him to get him to sleep in his crib.
I go back to work in just two weeks too. I feel like he is just going to be sleeping in my bed forever!
Any ideas?
Re: I'm starting to lack confidence in being a mom
He'll be fine. My DD slept in our bed until about 8 weeks and then all the sudden did just fine in her crib. Sometimes they just want to snuggle.
I did find a vibration thing that hooked to the side of the crib that worked wonders at getting her to fall asleep in there. Or does he have a mobile or soother in his room?
He is still brand new! A great read is the Happiest Baby on the Block and learning about the concept of the Fourth Trimester. It takes time for a baby to get used to being on their own, so to speak. A 2 month old still thinks he is part of you and doesn't get it when he has to be put down.
We all were there, and some babies are more challenging than others, but you wil get through! You are a good mom, because of you weren't, this wouldn't get to you.
My dd is now 9 months old, but still takes a nuk and likes to be cuddled to go to sleep. She may fight for a minute or two, but she goes down. I tried taking away the nuk a few weeks ago, but she just isn't ready. I have also tried putting her down and getting her to fall asleep, but she's just not ready for it. I think a baby who is as little as yours is not ready either. We always rock her to sleep and then put her in the crib, if she wakes up crying we rock her again and keep going until she doesn't wake up. It works for us. You can't spoil or create bad habits in a baby that small, just do what works for you and makes baby happy!
Honestly, I was too scared to co-sleep b/c of the whole blankets and smothering my baby concern...I'm a freak like that. So instead I slept sitting up on the couch, holding him. Yup. It worked well, in that he slept in 5 hour chunks. However, my back and neck were a mess. This lasted from his weeks 6 - 8. It got me the sleep I needed, though I did miss my bed so much. Once we got past that, DS has slept in his crib really well at night. Not so much during the day...but that's another battle.
Also, prior to that DS would only sleep in his swing. And now he'll only take naps in his carseat, in his crib.
I know it's hard...and I have my days, believe me...but you are a good mom. Only you know your baby. The books and the doctors have a general idea about babies, and are definitely good in terms of safety advice. But your baby has it's own needs that only you have been able to figure out. I still have days where I think, "I'm so bad at this mom-business. I can't tell if DS is hungry, or sick, or tired, or just crabby, or what."
But then there are break through days...usually when I hang out with other people and I can tell what DS needs and they can't. I found when I got out of the house, I felt WAY more capable as a mom...when I stay home I second guess my every move...no fun!
Anyway, you are a great mom and we know this b/c you're on here asking questions and worrying about being a good mom!