I need advice. I've been in a lot of pain for about a month and a half now. My right ovary (where I once had a 10cm cyst full of endo on) is now giving me stabbing pains throughout the day. I have had two laps and the doctor says another one wouldn't benefit me. He put me on the mini-pill (progesterone only) and I've been breastfeeding, so I think I've maxed out what I can do for preventative measures, except it hurts. It's hard to get through everyday things like physically picking up the baby and going to work, at night, it's a constant throbbing pain.
Endo girls, has your doctor mentioned anything to you in terms of pain control. I can't take the pain killers he prescribed before I was pregnant because I'm breastfeeding, but is there anything natural or anything else that might help me? Do you think I should call the doctor even though I'm pretty sure he can't do anything else? TIA!