I will disclaim before I start this post that I KNOW I am pulling at straws here, but I am just getting so sick of trying to figure out why I can't get a damn bfp that I think I am trying to find something to blame it on (displacement anyone?).
I was in the late half of the 2ww at both Thanksgiving and Xmas - both times we had traveled home to see my family and stopped in to see my best friend. Her dog (and I love dogs, have a big one myself) BOTH TIMES pounced at my stomach and got a good blow in on each occasion. Again, I know I am being hyperparanoid...but this time around, I think I actually had sore bb's for the first time in my life prior to the incident and since then nothing. Do you think it could have had any effect????
Thank you for putting up with my irrationality. I have a beta tomorrow am that I am fairly certain will be negative and am having a tough time being back at work today
Re: Do you think a dog pouncing could have any effect?