Success after IF

did you/will you do NT scan and flu shot?

My friend, who's expecting her 3rd, hasn't done the scan or gotten the flu shot for previous pregnancies.  She said the scan can have mixed results.  I also know someone who ended up doing the amnio based on the scan and turns out they didn't need it.  Curious what others are doing/have done.  TIA!
Our miracle IVF baby - D 6/09 & J - Surprise! born 9/10!!!

Re: did you/will you do NT scan and flu shot?

  • We did the NT Scan at 13 weeks. It took 4 days to get the results. I'm also going to ask about getting the flu shot at my appointment next week.
  • I had my flu shot b/c I'd be pg throughout the winter and my doctor recommended it. I had my NT scan also. Honestly, it was great to see the baby and I didn't realize until after I had it done that there was a chance that they could give you falso results. Luckily, everything was ok with mine.
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  • We did not do the NT scan, but I did get my flu shot. I work with young children so germs are all around! I get my flu shot every year and my OB highly recommended having it this year (once I was out of my first trimester.)
  • Yes to both - I had the NT scan at 11 weeks and the flu shot at 14 weeks. 
  • We did the NT scan at 13 weeks and I had my flu shot at 36 weeks. My OB recommended the flu shot, but I believe you should wait until you are out of the first tri.
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  • I did both.  We did the NT scan in case we needed to educate ourselves, and I got the flu shot because I would rather have a tiny bit of mercury in the shot than a very sick baby!

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    And with the delivery trifecra of one twin vaginal, one c-section with general anesthesia for twin B, Spencer and Sidney joined us at 35 weeks exactly on June 18.

  • I did the NT scan because my doctor just scheduled it for me. I don't think it is as accurate with twins so I didn't care what the results were(1:5000).

    I did not get a flu shot because my OB did not recommend it. I have only had one flu shot and it was 10 years ago. He didn't want me to have a reaction to it. Plus I am on bedrest til 22 weeks so I am not around anyone.

    Melissa :)?

  • Yes, and yes.  It's better to get both than not, especially since insurance pays.

  • We did the NT scan - ours came out perfect (and gave us a really fun u/s) but if it hadn't I would have been relieved to be able to prepare for possible complications.

    I will not do the flu shot in pregnancy again.  I did it when I was pregnant with my twins and a few days later they'd both died.  I don't know that the 2 events were related in any way, but I wish I didn't have to wonder.


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  • I did the NT Scan but have not gotten a flu shot. . . never got around to it and well, I'm pretty much a homebody these days.

    As far as the NT Scan and "false positives". . . the purpose of the NT Scan (and blood test) is to determine if you have an elevated risk.  A false positive would be if the doctor told you that your baby had Down Syndrome and then your baby was born without it.  Learning that you have an elevated risk is NOT a false positive.  The NT Scan is a tool to help you determine if further testing should be considered.

    ::stepping off of soapbox::

    I had the NT Scan done in mid-December.  The u/s was good, the measurement was good. . . but I received a call on December 23rd telling me that my bloodwork came back showing an elevated risk for Down Syndrome.  Our chances of the baby having DS is still VERY low, but we are seeing a perinatologist to go over the results and to discuss what, if any, further testing should be done.  Is it stressful, sure.  But, regardless of the results, I am glad we did the NT Scan because it has provided us with more information.

    Good luck with your decision!

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  • We did not do the NT scan. Knowing if anything was wrong wouldn't change our decision to carry out the pregnancy. Plus, we knew we'd still have plenty of time to prepare if something showed up at the 20 week ultrasound.

    I also had a friend who had two false positives and it ruined her pregnancies for her. And finally, our insurance didn't cover the scan and we've paid more than enough OOP to get this far!! So for us, it just made sense to skip it.


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  • I did the full integrated screen (NT scan at 12 weeks with bloodwork and additional bloodwork at 15 weeks).  This gives the most accurate results but the results take longer to come back. 

    I also got the flu shot.  I had the flu once and I can't imagine feeling that awful and being pg at the the same time.

    I also have several friends that ended up having an amnio because of the results from their quad screen and everything was fine.

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  • I didn't do the NT scan and did get a flu shot.  OB had me wait til 2nd tri for flu shot and it had to be inactive virus. 
  • I have to repeat what Smudges said.  The NT scan doesn't give "false positives."  It's a screener designed to evaluate your risk for certain things.  It doesn't diagnose anything.  Depending on the results, you and your doctor can decide if you want further diagnostic testing that can tell you if your baby does have something like Down Syndrome.  As for it not being accurate with twins, the neck fold measurements are done on each baby just like a singleton so there is no difference there.  The bloodwork component is where things get confusing.  They have pretty decent data on DS in twins, so that risk number is more accurate.  But the other trisomy data is very incomplete, so a responsible lab/doctor should not claim to be able to evaluate your babies' risk for those.

    Soooo...that said, yes, I got the NT scan.  I also had a flu shot, though my doctor said it wouldn't be recommended if I were still in the first tri.  He said it's very important for pg women to get the flu shot in his opinion, so I did it.

  • We did not do the NT scan, but I did get a flu shot.  We decided against the NT scan, because we didn't want to worry ourselves for nothing.  The results that it would have provided would not have made us change our minds about this child.
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  • Did the NT scan, haven't done the flu shot. I wanted to but my OB's office doesn't do it, and my PCP's office wouldn't do it since they didn't have the preservative free one. They were going to order some preservative free and call me when they came in, but never did. I should try them back.
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