This is a place for any of you fine ladies who will experience or have experienced the world of IUI. Whether you are waiting to start your first IUI or in the middle of your seventh, please feel free to join the group by posting! Check in is on Mondays and Thursdays.
1. Update on you:
2. QOTD: How were the holidays?
***If you have an idea for the QOTD, please note it in your response below. I need some ideas ladies! Running out here***
Cycling towards IUI now
Allinduetime ? IUI#2
ashley929 ? IUI#3
Drake986 ? IUI#2
Jess73005 ? IUI #3
Justwanting1 ? IUI#3
Kiki11- IUI #3
Larkin220- IUI #1
Shelly-Bean ? IUI#4
Soon2beKK ? IUI#1
Triathletegirl ? IUI#1
amg2007 ? IUI#1
DaisyBride78 ? IUI#2
halsgal ? IUI #1
Hopeful 34 ? IUI#2
Jaclyn278- IUI #3
Jensneb ? IUI#1
MrsEck- IUI #4
Nolachick11 ? IUI#1
PediNurse03-IUI #3
princessbeulah ? IUI#2 (b2b)
r.alexandra ? IUI#3
Sara Scissors ? IUI #3
Shanna&Ricky ? IUI #1 (b2b)
On a Break/Waiting
Amies ? IUI#1, February. 2009
Badonk ? on a break until January 2009
Bethany06 ? Waiting to start IUI#1 in January 2009
Cajun_gal ? On a break while we try to decide if we're ready to move on to IVF or not.
Cantthinkofone- On a break until February '09 for IUI#3
Cndalessandro ? on a break until 2009
Gina070605 ? On a break until January 2009
JackieMac824 ? on a break until January 2009
leslie&brian ? On a break after IUI#3
luvsbunny ? IUI#1 to start in January 2009
Zanymermaid ? IUI#4 On a break until January 2009
Need an update on:
DCRes- IUI #3
Heathie010- IUI #3
Jennylryan ? IUI#2
Kglan ? IUI#2
MrsB2007 ? IUI#2
Soon2BMrsBates- IUI #2
Boats98 - IUI#2
Bwm2bmw-IUI #1
Cheekyyali-IUI #1
CheersMSB-IUI #3
DAT1205- IUI #4
HisAngell ? IUI#2
HuskerChica ? IUI#1
LMK8605 ? IUI#3
OHM717 ? IUI#3
Trixie6717 ? IUI#1
Bandy514 ? IUI#1
Ecr18 ?checking options after IUI#2
Ilene&Scott ? On break after IUI#1
KarenandJeff ? IUI#6
Kim1976 ? IUI#3
NH2006 ? IUI#5
Nrjf01- Lap
Mrs.LisaP ? IUI#1 waiting on AF and RE
Moving onto IVF
GypsyEsq- IUI #1 cancelled -- TI
JennyLbride- IUI #7 (Twins!!!!)
JennyVag ? IUI#2
June4bridetobe ? Break Cycle BFP!
LovingLife06 ? BFP!
oh2binluv ? IUI#3
princessbeulah - IUI #2
Re: ~*~*~Catheter Club/IUI Check-In~*~*~
1. Update on you: Just waiting for the CBEFM to give me a high. I've been getting 4 days of medium and no high yet.
2. QOTD: How were the holidays? Holidays were good, went to the family's house, it was a nice and quiet Christmas for us. Yesterday was my 28th birthday, and i'm hoping 2009 brings lots of wonderful things!
1. I'm actually cycling towards IUI #4 now, #3 was a bust. So I guess that changes my "status" on here! I have my third follie check later this morning. I'm hoping to trigger tonight and have the IUI New Year's Eve morning, but we'll have to see...
2. My holidays were great. Luckily, I don't have any little babies in my family or nosey family members asking me when we're going to start popping them out! It was wonderful to spend time with every one and eats lots of good food!
1. Update on Me: No + OPK yet, so we still don't know if IUI #2 is a go yet.
2. QOTD: Christmas was enjoyable and relaxing for us. Just a little family drama, but that's to be expected right? lol
1) I'm in my 2WW, I have my beta on 12/31.
2) Holidays were nice. I wasn't in the spirit at all, so I guess it could have been better.
1. We found out on Christmas Eve that IUI#1 was a bust. I'm still waiting for AF to show (my progesterone was really high, and this lengthens my lp). I would be amazed if I didn't have cyst (I've had one after every medicated cycle) so we're likely on a break for a month. I'm sure I'll know more in a few days.
2. The holidays were just OK for me. It was hard getting a BFN on Christmas Eve. Added to the fact that last year at Christmas we told our families that we were pregnant the first time, it was difficult. I am hopefull for 2009 though, it has to be better than 2008, right??
1. Can I hop back on the IUI train? We're cycling towards femara IUI#7. I had a lap surgery in November so this is the first cycle we're in the state to do this after IUI#6 was a bust in August.
2. Holidays sucked...don't travel on Northwest airlines ever if you can help it. We spent 6 hours trapped on 2 different planes sitting on runways, no bags for a day and cancelled flights (due to "irregular service" whatever that means) on the way back from visiting the in laws in Texas. I am happy to be home!
I'm working on my 1st IUI cycle...did clomid at 150mg until my insurance approves the injectables and IUI. I had my CD10 monitoring today--only 1 follie bigger than 12mm with a bunch in the 11.5mm range but they couldn't count them so the nurse sounded a bit discouraged. Waiting to get a call from them this afternoon with our next steps...
The holidays were just OK--it was really hard this year. Last year DH and I said "this time next year we'll have a little one"...well this time this year we didn't...I couldn't even try and pretend I was optimistic and say the same thing this year. It's our anniversary tomorrow so I'm hoping that that gets my spirit up a bit.
I'm 6dpiui and am trying to remain patient and calm until early next week.
Holidays were ok. I wasn't that excited this year because like pp's, I thought this year would be different and I'd at least be pregnant by now. Oh well, moving onto 09!
1. Update on Me: IUI#1=BFN on Christmas EVE...cycling for IUI#2
2. QOTD: Christmas was peaceful...however had to work a couple hours in the late morning, then drive 2.5 hours to my Mom's for dinner/presents, then drive 2.5 hours back to be home in time to go to work the next day at 4am!
2. QOTD: How were the holidays? Pretty good. Didn't travel this year, which made it nice to not have that stress. Just hung out with family in town and visited with my dad who was in town from the East Coast.
QOTD suggestion: Does your log-in name have any specific/special meaning?
1) Update on me: IUI #1 was a BFN:( I've been on a break last week and this week b/c of holidays and RE closed. I go back Jan 2 to start stimming!
2) My holidays were great (besides getting my BFN) I spent lots of time with family and good friends and hade great food & a little wine:) I'm ready to ring in the new year and hope 2009 is the year!
1. I went in for CD3 bloodwork and ultrasound today. On Wednesday I'll start my first injectible cycle. This will be IUI#4 for us, but first with injections.
2. My Christmas was great. I got to go back home to PA, and see my dad's whole side of the family. My grandparents aren't doing the greatest, so it's always nice to get to spend time with them. We were extremely blessed with all of the gifts we received this year.