I got lots! I was so surprised! We got toys, books, clothes (neutral). I was shocked that people would think to get something for our baby. It was so sweet and since I hadn't bought anything yet, it was even more special!
We got some diapers, clothes and books. The clothes are so cute!!! I was just in shock that I'm actually pregnant and going to have this baby. lol DH and I haven't bought anything for the baby yet though...
We got a few things. ?My SIL got us onsies from both of our colleges which was so cute!!! ?I could not resist and got my DH a pink Phillies World Series shirt and a Chase Utley Phillies shirt plus some I love Daddy stuff!!!! ?I think I was grinning from ear to ear in BrU because they were the 1st things that I bought for the baby.
we asked for lots of baby stuff for christmas - it is what we really need right now (obviously michael and i got each other individual gifts, but most of the family gifts were baby-related. we got our diaper bag, twin BF pillow, 3 miracle blankets, our double snap-n-go, some baby clothes and blankets and toys, and BRU GCs yayyyy!!! so fun
We got so lucky. We got some cha-ching from our inlaws and they are buying our breast pump! That was a HUGE surprise and I am incredibly psyched b/c they are so expensive. My sister practically bought out the Gymboree store with clothes for our baby boy of which we have next to nothing b/c our first child is a girl. My mom bought a ton of clothes for both babies too. She also gave us a gift card to Target and Home Goods which will totally come in handy!!! Thank God for family!
Re: NE1 get baby presents for the holidays?
Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
*Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
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Our successful cycle was IVF #2: Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol - 2 beautiful blasts transferred.
email me: gretchela@hotmail.com