I've been trying to transition DS to his crib for daytime naps, and his mobile is in there, which he loves. If he likes to watch his mobile while in his crib, will he come to think of his crib as a play area and not know to sleep there? Same with his swing...he's been sleeping in it primarily since week one - now that I'm trying to get him out of that habit, will he ever enjoy "playing" in there, or will he always equate the swing with sleeptime and not want to be there if he's not tired? Does that make sense? This sleep thing is tricky.
Re: sleep and play in the same place
Meredith sleeps & plays in the crib. She plays with her "friends" on the mobile during the day when we both need some alone time and at night I turn it out of the way and she sleeps.?
I can't answer about associations with the swing. The only thing I know is that the rocking motion puts a lot of babies to sleep.
I know babies start to make associations, but I couldn't tell you when that starts to happen.
I should add that I also think that playing & sleeping in the crib is much like us sleeping & playing in bed.?
Once they have some sort of routine that says bedtime is coming, I'd like to think that meredith knows that she's going in there to sleep as opposed to play. We also rock & finish our bedtime routine in there with just the nightlight on.?