I am sweating like crazy down in the lady land area. It's defianately not urine. It's crazy especially at night. Is this related to the progresterone or just weird pregnancy stuff?
I don't know if that could be related to the progesterone, but I never experienced it on either PIO or prometrium (suppositories). What kind are you taking?
I don't think so, this is very watery and surrounds the pantyliner soaking the entire crotch area.
I am waking up very hot at night so I guess it's just some crazy pg related thing. I forgot how your body freaks out and does such weird stuff when you are pg.
Um, I've had that problem my entire pregnancy, without progesterone supps. I used to sweat a lot prior to being pregnant, but it's gone into overdrive in the past 9 months. ?MY OB said it's just all the extra hormones in my system. It's just another one of those weird pregnancy things for me.
Re: excessive sweating in groin on progesterone?
I don't think so, this is very watery and surrounds the pantyliner soaking the entire crotch area.
I am waking up very hot at night so I guess it's just some crazy pg related thing. I forgot how your body freaks out and does such weird stuff when you are pg.
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