
pcos book recommendations

i am ordering the new glucose revolution guide to living well with pcos from amazon and was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations or must have books on the subject.


Re: pcos book recommendations

  • One book I saw recommended on here is: What To Do When The Doctor Says It's PCOS by Milton Hammerly and Cheryl Kimball.

    (I haven't read it, but I emailed the title to myself just in case.) ;)

  • I have the new glucose revolution guide to living well with pcos-didn't care for it.  I thought it was pretty dry reading, but there I read tons of rave reviews about it before I bought it.  It really didn't tell me anything I hadn't found via google.

     I would be glad to send it to you if I can find it.  I went through a major spring cleaning episode last time AF was in town...I may have thrown it out, but I'll look for it.

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  • My DH bought me a book right after I was dx. Its called PCOS and your fertility. I can't remember the author but it has lots of info.
  • I don't actually have the book that you are talking about, but I do have the other two books that were mentioned, What to do when the Doctor says it's PCOS and PCOS and your Fertility.  I would definitely recommend these two. I also have Positive Options for PCOS, I was hoping to not have to go through the fertility drug route but it looks like I am.  Still a very good book to have even before TTC.


    Edited to add, the author for PCOS and your Fertility is Colette Harris with Theresa Cheung.  Also the author for Positive Options for PCOS is Christine Craggs-Hinton and Adam Balen, M.D.

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