My NT Scan results came back showing an elevated risk for Down Syndrome. We are seeing a perinatologist on Wednesday.
I was wondering how often you saw the peri. Just that once? Did you opt to do an amnio? Did you need to continue seeing the peri a intervals throughout your pregnancy? Did you get an u/s at the 1st appointment with the peri? Any info you care to pass along will be appreciated!
Part of me is worried because we are moving next month and I just don't know what to expect. Just another unknown in my crazy little world!
Re: If you saw a Peri due to elevated risk, please come in!
*Raising Hand*.
I went to Peri anyway b/c of my age (38) and it was there that I got the NT scan at 11 weeks. NT scan itself was fine, but then bloodwork came back at 1/15 chance of DS. (What were your numbers, did they tell you? Remember that my 1 in 15 is still 93.3% chance of being fine.) I saw the peri at 11 weeks for NT, then 15 weeks for amnio which turned out normal!!!!) , then once more at 20 weeks for final u/s, (to measure heart, kidneys, etc) and I've graduated.
I would assume that you will get an u/s at your first appt. I was on the fence about getting an amnio (I didn't with 1st pg, b/c all bloodwork screens came back fine) but when I got the above results I made the decision right away to do amnio.
When done by a peri, recent research has shown that the odds of miscarriage are 1/800-1/1600!! (Far smaller than my risk of DS!!)
Thanks for your reply!
My NT u/s measurment was good (1.6). . . but given my age (37), I really should not have been surprised by the blood test results. My OB's nurse gave me 3 sets of numbers: 1/294, 1/153 and 1/171. She said that the peri would explain it all to me.
I am really trying to remain calm and remember that my risks are elevated--just that. Hearing about your experience really helps. Thanks for sharing! I wish it were Wednesday!!!!
I see a peri but not because of bad NT results. I get an u/s at almost every visit. I can't just drop by to see him - I have to go on my regular schedule every 4-6 wks. If I have spotting or an issue like PTL, I would have to be seen by my obgyn first. Peri is 2nd line of treatment. They are more apt to do u/s than my obgyn - in fact I only had one u/s at my obgyn so far.
I did not get an amnio, but my friend got an amnio at the same peri that I go to. Make sure you ask how many they do, if you need to have it done. I probably would not have it done even if they recommended it. She saw him because of a different issue than me. She had a baby with a heart defect ,a twin that didn't make it. So she had regular visits with the peri - I think every 4 wks until 30 or so (not sure). They had to watch her for any preterm labor due to the twin not making it after 18/20 wks.
Also my obgyn doesn't even do the NT scan, so I see the same peri for that.
I'm also seeing him because of gestational diabetes. I get weekly u/s starting this week - 36 until term.
We went to a Peri because I was carrying twins and because one the placentas was very low, moderate previa (sp?).
We saw her every 3 weeks for an u/s to check growth and every 4 weeks for a growth scan to make sure they were both growing. They will probably monitor you a lot.