I was told at 29 weeks to expect the baby in the next couple of weeks after that and now it's my due date and nothing-- not a twinge. Midwife won't even sweep membranes till next Wednesday and they won't offer induction until the 11th of Jan.
Meanwhile, I'm going to see acupuncturist tomorrow. Mabye just having an appointment in the book will help...
Of course I'm grateful and really glad she stuck ijn there as long as needed and everything, but I'm getting anxious-- it feels like we've been waiting forever!
Re: never expected to be overdue!
I was the same exact way! NEver in a million years did I expect to see 40 weeks! DS finally made his appearance 40w2d and that was because I was induced. Who knows when he would have waite for him to make his debut on his own!
Good luck! I hope she makes her entrance soon!!
Make a pregnancy ticker
I have to say every time I see you online here I hope it's to post your birth announcement! I'm even anxious for your baby to come!!