Parenting after a Loss

f/u to cuppa being super lazy

i've been a wreck about lack of movement all day.  i tried super cold water, laying on my side and back, poking my belly, the flashlight trick....nothing worked.  i finally just resorted to pulling out my doppler. 

i hear her hb, but she's still not moving (she usually will kick at the doppler in the OB's office).  i can't decide if i should be worried now that i know she's still alive in there.  (gosh that sounds awful).  would you call the OB if you heard the hb but still had no movement?

Re: f/u to cuppa being super lazy

  • I wouldn't be too worried if you heard cuppa's hb.  Things get cramped toward the end.  Are you doing kick counts?  I would give the OB a call tomorrow if you aren't getting the proper number kicks in the hour or two hour period. 
  • If you're worried, don't hesitate to call the dr. Especially if you haven't felt movement.?
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  • If you heard the h/b you know she is fine she is just resting today.  I would wait until tomorrow to call.  See how it goes tonight and if she is still being lazy give a call in the morning and see what your ob says.


  • Try to lay still & do kick counts for 2 hours (if you aren't feeling very many)  Call your OB if you still don't feel much.  There can be other reasons for decreased movement & you can't always rely on just hearing a hb to know that everything is okay. 

    I'm sure that everything is fine, but you always want to be cautious.

  • Yes - call the OB tomorrow. Chances are she's just being lazy today - I had several like those and they freaked me out.

    I responded to your other post a little while ago suggesting that you take a brisk but short (5 minute) walk and then lie down afterwards. That always seemed to get some movement for me.

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  • I would call, absolutely. That's what doctors are there for, to reassure you. Please update us when Cuppa does wake up!
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  • I would do a kick count (I think it is at least 10 movements in two hours) and if you do not get that call the doctor.  That is what they are there for!  GL
  • I would call.

    I am totally not trying to freak you out, b/c I went through this w/Leo several times (ultimately getting induced b/c of it) and everything turned out to be just fine; he was just a lazy baby. But lack of movement is something to always take seriously - I'm sure Cuppa is just fine also, but sometimes lack of movement can be the way babies have of warning you something is strange in there... its just not worth sitting there stressing when you can go into L&D and get a NST. 

    Please keep us updated okay??

  • CAll if it will make you feel better.  I'm glad you heard the hb though- that never worked for me and I had many neurotic moments!!  They get paid the big bucks to help us so if it will ease your mind, make the call!  i"m sure she is just resting though, the the PPs said!
  • I would definitely call.  They probably will have you come in to do an NST where they monitor the h/b vs the baby's movements.  I am sure everything is fine but I figure it is always worth the peace of mind.

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  • Doctor is there for just this reason. If you still feel like cuppa is not her usual self,  put your mind at ease and call, then update us.  :) .

    Thinking of you, much love, Jill 


  • Don't freak out, but I would call your doc anyway....better to get things checked out and be told all is well....




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