Parenting after a Loss

Things to look forward to....

Tomorrow, I have a dentist appointment at 1:00p  tomorrow and a hair appointment at 5:30p.  DH will be taking care of Gianna so I get to go do whatever I want after my dentist appointment and before my hair appointment.  Target here I come!!!

Tuesday, I have an appointment to get my eyebrows and lip waxed.  I cannot go back to work looking like Sasquatch!

DH and I got my Aunt to babysit on New Year's Eve Day so that we can go out to lunch, take our dogs to the dog park and bring them to the do it yourself dog wash!  I can't wait!  My dogs have been so great with Gianna that we wanted to give them some quality time before we go back to work (not to mention they smell).so I guess it is more of a date day for the dogs than us.  Oh well.


Re: Things to look forward to....

  • Enjoy your me time tomorrow.  I plan on hitting Target this week.  I vowed to stay away, but I have 2 gift cards :)  I also need to wax the eyebrows and will probably do it on Tuesday before my gyn. appt.
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