andrew has started to sleep longer at night, but still wakes 2 or so times during the night. usually he will cry for about 5 min and put himself back to sleep (sometimes we have to soothe him ack to sleep). does anyone else's babies do this?
Yes, all babies wake up often during the night.. their sleep patterns dictate this. If he doesn't know how to put himself back to sleep, he will rely on you to do it for him. At night sometimes I wake up to hear Maya stirring or making tiny little sounds on the monitor. It never turns into whine or a cry (at least so far!). She always just goes back to sleep on her own.
B does it too. He'll usually whimper. I don't get up to get him unless it turns into full out crying. He'll usually soothe himself to sleep. He has also started to move all over his crib as well by just kicking his feet
Re: waking during night, but not to eat?