Thank you for asking and thinking of me, nothing but another BFN and no signs of AF. I'm sitting in a hotel room in podunk N.C. crying my eyes out and begging God to help me understand why I can't get pregnant. My husband just left for church and I haven't stopped crying for over an hour. It's a stupid mess-and I know you understand that nobody understands what we have to suffer through and how incredibly lonely infertility can be. It has consumed the last 15 months of my life and sucked every bit of joy and happiness out of my body. I'm sorry I wrote such a downer of a response, I didn't mean for it to be so was nice to know somebody was thinking of me, though.
Oh hun, I am SO sorry! What day is this for you? Is there still a chance? It must be incredibly hard to be going through that this morning while not even in the comfort of your home, but in a hotel! You are totally entitled to have a downer post and a depressing morning. I did it yesterday - I know there is still the slimmest of chances for me but given my prev bfn's I'm not holding out a lot of hope. And as such, I got into a total funk yesterday afternoon and layed in bed napping/resting from 1-5:30pm! And I felt better after. Take all the time you need, tomorrow is a new day and next week is a new year. I hope your luck changes significantly in 2009. I'll definitely be thinking of you!!
You are so sweet. This is 16dpt, but 15dpiui. I think if AF doesn't show by mid-week, I am going to go get a blood test. I don't think these HPT's are quite so good for my morale, health or happiness. I hope a slimmer of chances happens for you in the next couple of days, too! I'll be thinking of you, too!
You are so sweet. This is 16dpt, but 15dpiui. I think if AF doesn't show by mid-week, I am going to go get a blood test. I don't think these HPT's are quite so good for my morale, health or happiness. I hope a slimmer of chances happens for you in the next couple of days, too! I'll be thinking of you, too!
Re: **Triathletegirl**
Thank you for asking and thinking of me, nothing but another BFN and no signs of AF. I'm sitting in a hotel room in podunk N.C. crying my eyes out and begging God to help me understand why I can't get pregnant. My husband just left for church and I haven't stopped crying for over an hour. It's a stupid mess-and I know you understand that nobody understands what we have to suffer through and how incredibly lonely infertility can be. It has consumed the last 15 months of my life and sucked every bit of joy and happiness out of my body. I'm sorry I wrote such a downer of a response, I didn't mean for it to be so was nice to know somebody was thinking of me, though.
butting in ***
Im sorry you got another bfn! Lets hope that 2009 is better for all of us! Your right its not fair that we have to suffer threw this journey!
Lots of hugs to you!
Oh hun, I am SO sorry! What day is this for you? Is there still a chance? It must be incredibly hard to be going through that this morning while not even in the comfort of your home, but in a hotel! You are totally entitled to have a downer post and a depressing morning. I did it yesterday - I know there is still the slimmest of chances for me but given my prev bfn's I'm not holding out a lot of hope. And as such, I got into a total funk yesterday afternoon and layed in bed napping/resting from 1-5:30pm! And I felt better after. Take all the time you need, tomorrow is a new day and next week is a new year. I hope your luck changes significantly in 2009. I'll definitely be thinking of you!!
You are so sweet. This is 16dpt, but 15dpiui. I think if AF doesn't show by mid-week, I am going to go get a blood test. I don't think these HPT's are quite so good for my morale, health or happiness. I hope a slimmer of chances happens for you in the next couple of days, too! I'll be thinking of you, too!
Thank you so much!