I was diagnosed with HA (Hypothalamic Amenorrea) and NEVER get my period. If I do, my cycles are insanely long.
If your periods are irregular or nonexistant and you had a m/c, how long did you have to wait to start your next cycle?...I am hoping that my RE will tell me to only wait 30 days to see if I get AF after the m/c, and if not, I can attempt to take Prometrium (usually doesn't work for me, but they like me to try it anyhow....) to start the next cycle....I am planning on calling them on Monday (I was not being treated by them during this m/c/)....just curious. thanks.
Re: For those who had a m/c with PCOS or HA.....
I have "PCOS-like traits" and I ended up going on the pill on CD24 after my m/c because there was no ovulation in sight. ?Going off the pill ended up making my period come. ?The only reason I did the pill as opposed to prometrium is because I started another IVF cycle. ?I have no clue how long that cycle would have lasted on its own. ?(When I am "regular", my cycles are between 35 and 44 days.)
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I've had 2 m/c's. After the first it took about 80 days for me to get af. After the second it took 120+ - it was finally induced with provera.
December's af was the first one I've gotten on my own since the second m/c which ocurred in May, 2008.
It took 80 days to get AF, and it was brought on by Prometrium. I was diagnosed with PCOS after the miscarriage, but I had a history of amenorrea before I went on BCP's. I think it depends also on how long it takes for you beta hcg to go back down to zero. I believe it took mine 4 weeks to reach zero. GL.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Pg losses are so devastating. I have PCOS and always had irregular periods. I had been taking Clomid to induce ovulation and got pg with the 3rd cycle of Clomid, which ended in a blighted ovum. It took about 6 weeks to get AF after I had my D & E. I think my RE had said to call if I didn't get AF by 8 weeks afterwards and they would then give me Provera to induce AF. I think most REs say to wait 6-8 weeks. It takes awhile for your body and hormones to return to normal. Good luck and hugs to you.