Hey Girls,
Just curious if there was anything you needed at home for when you got home from the hospital that you didnt have or something that you thought was essential but you didnt want to have to run out and get! I am trying to prepare the house with what I will need
Hope everyone had a great Holiday!
Re: What did you need?
Pads (super absorbant, but thin)
Stool softener (but I had a c-section)
Milk storage bags (I didn't think I would have enough milk to pump right away, but I did)
Popsicles ( I was really dehydrated, buuuuuuuuuuut didn't want to drink too much b/c it made me want to puke)
Extra TP, tea, coffee etc ( for all of the visitors)
Tip money ( I had several deliveries of gifts once we were home)
Thank you cards/stamps ( I wrote them each night after my guests left so they didn't pile up)
Oh and I needed new diapers, I got a ton of huggies at my shower and ds was allergic so dh had to go and buy pampers.
Here are the things we used immediately:
for baby:?
long sleeved footie pajamas that unzip/unsnap top to bottom
newborn diapers / wipes
diaper cream for circumcision
swaddle-mes / swaddle blankets
soothie pacifiers
gas drops (may not need -- our baby's gas problem turned out to be another issue)
for me:
breast pads
sanitary napkins / pantiliners
lanolin nipple cream
I think that's really it. ?There's a bunch of stuff we are getting no use out of (swing, bouncy chair) and a bunch of stuff that will probably be useful later (mobile, baby monitor), but I can't think of much else we needed in the first week or so.?