Nobody move. Even in cyberspace.
LOL-poor Andy has been doing morning shift, and he is napping too. So are the dogs.
I can't wait to tell you all about our Christmas. I just need about one more day of Merlot and I'll be ready...
Be well, all. And shhhhhhhhhhh......
Re: They are BOTH napping.
shhhhh! I won't make a peep. I know how rare (and wonderful) it is to have both kids napping at once
Looking forward to hearing all about your Christmas...
Oh my gosh, I LOVE their Christmas jammies! So cute!
I know how you feel about good napping. Little Man just woke up from a nice long nap--and Mommy and Daddy sure did enjoy their little break!
at my house this is the cue for the UPS guy to bang on the door and ring the doorbell 3-5 times... lol
so amazing when the house is quiet.
Can't wait to hear your story about Christmas... i'll be popping open a bottle of wine for that one, settling down in my comfy PJ's and preparing for a full story filled with laughter, cheer, suspense, and hopefully no-one getting hurt! lol
Don't worry, I am typing quietly. I can't wait to read your update and those pajamas are frequen adorable!!!