

Thank you for your response.  You are totally right.  My issues with my sister aren't jealousy issues.  (Even though I am jealous that she has the most gorgeous baby girl - different issue Wink.)  She is just an immature ***...and that was the only problem on Christmas day.  Thank you for opening my eyes and making me feel better!

Re: ***SunMoon&Stars***

  • You are most welcomeSmile It's perfectly normal to envy ppl with children when you're IF, but it's how yo uhandle it that counts. I think you handled it the best you could have.

    I was just rememebring that I've seen you on MM. Now, I was wondering, what if your sister posted there, or some of the other nest boards, bitching about her "problems" and mentioned that she had a "jealous" sister.....

    If she were to give enough backstory, she'd so have her a$$ handed back to her, dontcha think?

  • imageSunMoon&Stars:

    If she were to give enough backstory, she'd so have her a$$ handed back to her, dontcha think?

    Ha!  Right again Yes

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