Thanks for responding!! I'm having some anxiety over here!! I googled and most of waht i read says you feel them in the back. I was kind of doubled over in the front by waht you describe very well as bad period cramps...did u have them in your back too?
Re: ***ll3414****
I didn't...but some people definitely have "back labor".
I would start writing down the time when you feel them... and see if they are starting to become regular. I wasn't sure that what I was feeling at first was true labor... but it did eventually turn into the real thing! I remember just walking down our street and doubling over every 10 minutes or so when they would come. 30 seconds later I was back to normal...
First labors tend to be long... so just try and relax if you can. Our Bradley class always suggested : eat, drink, shower, walk, nap... and if you still feel them it's probably the real thing!
I had them start and stop for about a week and a half before they were the real deal... it was so frustrating! You just want to have it happen!
I never really noticed a lot of movement with the baby once I was in labor. A lot of activity in the days leading up to it though!
You'll be on this board very soon from the sounds of it!