
Help me figure out what to use as Day 1

My doc's office is closed, and I'm just not sure.  Here's the deal:

Yesterday around noon I started spotting brown.   By early evening it was pink spotting, and then I put a tampon in around 7, and when I took it out around midnight, it was pretty full of red blood.  Since I started so late in the evening yesterday, would you count today as day 1 or should it be yesterday.  I have to start femara on day 3. 

Re: Help me figure out what to use as Day 1

  • They say to use your first full day of flow. So i would say use today. GL!!

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  • I agree with the other post. Because it was so late in the evening, I would count day 1 as today.   Good luck with your cycle :)
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  • My Doctor tells me to count anything that happens after 7pm (her office hours) as the next day being cd1
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