Where exactly on the belly will I feel them? I've been having a few feelings that are defintely NOT painless sort of right above my belly button area. I feel almost like they could be gas but the take the wind out of me and I have to go sit down or something to get a hold of myself. Then I feel the baby and my belly really harden up.
Any insight would be great!! Thanks!!
Re: So, contractions...
I had to be induced, so I don't know if contractions start differently if labor happens naturally, but from what I remember (before I got that fabulous epi!), it felt kind of like what you're describing. I know everyone says that they feel like really bad period cramps, and they kind of did, but different. I don't know if that makes sense. Basically, my whole abdomen would get really tight and rock hard, and it hurt but more like a bad pulled muscle. I could feel it kind of throb for a few seconds before it subsided. I couldn't really talk too well, and would have to hold onto my husband's wrist to concentrate through it.
I did have a couple of what I thought were contractions in the weeks leading up to the birth. They came and went sporatically and only lasted for about 30 seconds. It happened about 3 or 4 times total in the last 3 weeks.