Yesterday I went in for beta #4 (history = 41, 66, 123) and we got the call yesterday afternoon that #4 is down to 41 again. So I was told I could stop the endometrium. They want me to come back again on Monday again to check my HCG level and make sure it has gone all the way down. So once again...we've had an early miscarriage. The first last Christmas Eve and now this year again. I think I'm still in shock.
I didn't even think to ask - but I found out last year that I am rh negative so had to have the rogam (sp?) shot after they confirmed the miscarriage. I'm assuming next week I'll need to go do that again, has anyone had a similar situation?
Also, when we schedule our WTF apt - I'd like to bring up doing some testing to see why I've now had 2 miscarraiges in a row. For those of you that have done such tests...what are they called, how do they work, and will they do them after 2? Or do they make you wait until the 3 or more??
Thanks for all your support. My parents are visiting for the holidays, and yesterday we decided to see Marley & Me so that I could "laugh". Well, big mistake...Jennifer Anniston suffers a miscarriage...then has 3 was AWEFUL. So just be warned ahead of time.
Re: It's Over...
I'm very, very sorry for your loss. ((HUGS)) I think the testing they do is called RPL - recurrent pregnancy loss panel. Hopefully that will provide some answers.
As for being rh negative, I am too and my doctor told me I would need the shot multiple times for either pregnancy or miscarriage so I would assume you'd need it again after this loss. Good luck!
I am so very sorry about your losses.
Hang in there.?
I'm so sorry for your loss
Our RE wanted us to have an RPL panel (repeated pregnancy loss panel) after our 2nd loss. From what I've seen here on the board some doctors order the testing after 2 and some like to wait for a 3rd loss.
The actual tests can differ a bit by doctor.. Dh and I each had karyotyping done (genetic testing), and then I had a glucose test, thyroid testing, and auto-immune and clotting disorder testing just to name the ones I can remember. It's pretty much just a ton of bloodwork. My RE aslo ordered a repeat saline-sono for me to make sure there wasn't anything going on in my uterus that was causing the losses.
I'm sorry, but I don't have any info about the rh negative issue... and again, I am so sorry about your loss
I am so sorry. ?I have just had two early miscarriages as well and I am going to ask for testing to be done.
I am so sad for you. ?Hang in there. ?It will be our turn soon...?
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I am so sorry for your loss. I just too suffered from my second miscarriage. The doctor plans on testing our embryo as well as additional RPL testing. I am sure if you asked your RE they would be happy to do it. <<HUGS>>
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