I've had 3 cycles since my girls and didn't cramp through any of them. I had the worst pms before my pg. Cramping to the point of vomiting, headache, bloat, the moodiness... Now when she comes I fel a heaviness in my lower belly and thats about it. Its like a gift
Re: No AF cramping after baby?
I'm told by my sisters it happened to them too. I also have had no cramping, pain, anything since a d&c at 13wks(lost baby at 12wk). I had really bad cramping and used to take 600mg motrin to get thru it.
My ob told me that cramps usually get less painful for women after babies because your uterus and everything get so stretched out that it causes nerves to die off. The cramping is still happening (it's your uterus contracting to shed the lining) - you're just not feeling it. So - yay for less cramps!