Currently My Mom watches my DD while I work. It is perfect, more then perfect, but my Dad's business is going downhill and he wants my Mom to get a job. MIL is retiring in the summer but having DD go there FT makes me sick to the stomach. I would love to go PT or SAH but I hold the health Insurance and money is already tight and with having #2 that is a must right now.
I am not sure if Daycare if right for us, I am weird about someone watching DD that is not family. I am so stuck. I hate for my Mom to watch DD all day then have to work at night. The whole situation sucks.
So who watches your DC and do you like it, does it work for you? If you are a SAHM how do you do it? Dh and I do not make much we already live paycheck to paycheck.
Re: who watches DC during the day...SAHM & all reply
I am a FT WAHM. I have a nanny who does between 8 and 16 hrs of watching Harmon a week. My company pays for her, and she is paid quite well.
I don't have issues with daycare. You really should check it out. Some facilities are EXCELLENT! Tough situation, I wouldn't want my Mom watching Harm b/c she works FT and I would worry she would fall asleep or be too exhausted to really care for him properly.
I did have the option of SAH but it just wasn't for me. To have that option we cut out all the extras: eating out, downsizing our home, trips, etc.
When I go back to work my mom will be watching dd. My mom retired last summer but she was going to have to get a part time job. Instead of my mom getting a job and us having to put dd in day care we are going to pay my mom to watch dd. We will pay her less than a day care provider so it will help her and us! We are weird aout others watching our dd too:) Good Luck!
"When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame
Could you pay your mom to watch DD? Maybe pay her less than it would cost you elsewhere in case she felt funny about it-- but that way, you have a situation that makes you comfortable without worrying about affecting your parent's financial security?
DH and I are both dentists... but we will both be on active duty when our baby is born... we are also going to be sent to Japan, so we will be forced to use daycare for a while. What I am planning to do is to try to find a nanny during the first 6 months or so... I owe 3 years of active duty, and I hate the idea that I've worked so hard but still have to work 5 days a week right now.
Maybe a good compromise is either (1) mom, or (2) daycare so you can work your butt off and transition to part-time/nanny?
Good luck.
Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)
IVF #1/ICSI 2008 – 22 ER, 21 F, Day 3 transfer (8A and 8B) - BFP, 3 Frosties
Surprise BFP 2010
Surprise BFP 2011
Shipped frosties from TX to VA in 2012
FET #1 May 2013, single blast – BFN
FET #2 August 2013 2 blasts – BFN
IVF #2/ICSI/AH Jan 2014 – 8 ER, 7M, 6 F Day 3 transfer (grade 2 & 3), no frosties - BFP!
Being a SAHM wasn't a financial option for us, at all. We were so lucky to find a great woman a couple of miles away that only has four other children in her home. We spent quite a bit of time with her and her daycare children and while I'd not like to use the word "excited," we're comforted (?) that our DD will be with her. I'd die if we had to rely on either of our mothers.
Thankfully, my mom watches Ava 3 days a week. I have her 2 days and DH has her the other 2 days (I work weekends and have 2 days off mid-week).
I'm looking for a new job now, hoping to get M-F, so the 3 of us can spend time together. I worry about my mom watching her 5 days a week, because that is really asking alot of her. I know she is more than willing, and happy to do it, but still.... in a perfect world, I would SAH
Too bad the economy sucks and I have to work...
I would love to stay at home with DD, but with the unpredictability of the airline industry we like to know we 2 paychecks to count on. We don't have any relatives near us (that would be ideal if they could watch her), and all of our friends are single or DINKS so there's no help there, We plan to arrange our work schedules so DD will only have to be in daycare 4-8 hours (two mornings) a week. DH will work nights and the occasional weekend, so he can be with her while I'm at work for most of the week.
Weigh the cost of daycare vs. what you'll be bringing home to decide if it's worth it. Do you or your husband have work schedules that can be rearranged to be a little less traditional?
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I think paying your mom is an excellent suggestion.
I will have had 14 months off with DD when I go back to work in 2 weeks. I'm excited to have the adult interaction and we LOVE DD's daycare provider. She watches 4 kids in total in her home, and it's so evident she really loves them. DD is very happy there, which gives me a lot of peace of mind. I'm only going back to work 3 days a week though - my feelings about the situation might be very different if I had to work 5 days a week. A home daycare was the only choice for us.
My Dh is a cop and works nights so he is home with the kids during the day while I work. I am a HS teacher and work from 8-230 so it works well becaue I am home early. My mom works part time and also helps us out.
PS Happy 18 weeks
I see we are due the same day!
I work PT from home, so I am home with my son all day. I am very lucky because DH carries the health insurance and we are able to afford me being home.
If I had to work full time, I would probably take my son to my MIL's house.