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Rice cereal and tummy problems

Ella had her 4 month well appointment and because she's been having tummy problems (gas and poo that won't come out) the ped told me to start her on rice cereal.  I was hoping to hold off until she was 6 months.  Doesn't this seem really early to be feeding her solid food?  I'll do it if I have to, I just wanted to see in everyone else's experience when it comes to starting solid food, did it help with the tummy?  TIA!
Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10

Re: Rice cereal and tummy problems

  • If she is constipated rice cereal will NOT be good - it stops up most babies... I sitll give it to DS if he has diarreha! I can't believe your pedi would say to use it if she's having issues pooping!

    My ped had us start with rice cereal at 4mos... it's the earliest a baby should start- but generally between 4-6mos.

  • You probably won't like my response...first off, we started solids at 3 months b/c of DS's horrible reflux.  We tried rice in the bottle first and he was still having problems so we were told by the pedi to start with the cereal solids...the rice caused horrible gas.  Since then, anything we have had with rice seems to cause problems.  As for starting early, it was not a problem for us, but watch out for increased gas (does not happen to every infant) in case you need to address that.  Good Luck
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  • yes, I think it is too soon, especially if she is having tummy issues! Rice can be really tough on the belly and totally makes E constipated.

    Have you tried colic calm (or another gripe water) That might make a difference. Are you BFing? Is it possibly your diet? If she is formula fed, perhaps try gentlease? 

    If your gut says it is too soon, it is too soon. You are the Mom and the pedi is merely making a recommendation.  You don't need to take it!

    Is Ella showing signs of being ready for solids?



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  • esley has a bad little tummy..We are always giving him (adult) prune juice (baby prune juice does nothing for him..We started with Rice and that was so bad on him tummy..We went to Oatmeal..It was so much better!!! I would go straight to Oatmeal and just skip rice...
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  • The pedi started Ben on rice cereal when he was 5 weeks old.  He had horrible reflux and was spitting up all the time.  He also started him on Zantac.  I think rice cereal is a life saver.  He only spit up a handful of times after that.  He's never been constipated.  He's almost 19 months old and still goes 2-3 times a day.
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  • We started DS on rice cereal at 4 months. He had no issues with it. But it can bind your baby up. He actually preferred oatmeal and that doesn't bind you up.
  • ditto pp's - rice cereal was very constipating for DD - I'm very surprised your pedi recommended it if constipation was already an issue. DD preferred oatmeal as well.

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