so, just a few seconds ago, i felt like something was stuck in my tooth (in the very back) and then a second later, a little piece of my tooth came off!!! it's killing me and I can feel it pulsing crap! i have the worst teeth ever, and i take such good care of them!!! what's safe at the dentist again?
Re: oh no! i chipped a tooth...
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
The anxiety from the pain is the biggest problem... I am a dentist, and I am about where you are pg-wise, so I can see both sides. If you need an x-ray, you can wear a gown and ask for a digital x-ray... they have less radiation. It's probably best to just get the tooth fixed... if you were to get any kind of infection, that would pose a more serious problem.
Without seeing your mouth, it's hard to know, but I am sure your dentist will take good care of you. Best of luck!
Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)
IVF #1/ICSI 2008 – 22 ER, 21 F, Day 3 transfer (8A and 8B) - BFP, 3 Frosties
Surprise BFP 2010
Surprise BFP 2011
Shipped frosties from TX to VA in 2012
FET #1 May 2013, single blast – BFN
FET #2 August 2013 2 blasts – BFN
IVF #2/ICSI/AH Jan 2014 – 8 ER, 7M, 6 F Day 3 transfer (grade 2 & 3), no frosties - BFP!