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For the cat lovers!!

Those puppies were cute that everyone was watching last month.... but now there are kittens!!! 

Schmoodle- I hope you see this... I thought of you!!!

Married 8.13.2005, M/C 12/8/06- 5 weeks, M/C 2/27/07- 7 weeks, M/C w/ D&C 8/10/09-6.5 weeks *Charles Lawrence born 5/2/08 @ 3:14am, 7lb 8oz, 20.5 inches. Clomid, Crinone and baby aspirin. *Alexandra Claire born 9/14/10 @ 9:52am 6lb 14oz, 20.5 inches. Femara, Crinone and baby aspirin. Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: For the cat lovers!!

  • OMG! I'm like 10 minutes away from them! I wanna go get the white one!
  • There are 2 white ones!!! I actually have my white kitty Macy sitting right next to me right now. It reminds me of when she was a little kitten- but she was long hair and a little fur ball
    Married 8.13.2005, M/C 12/8/06- 5 weeks, M/C 2/27/07- 7 weeks, M/C w/ D&C 8/10/09-6.5 weeks *Charles Lawrence born 5/2/08 @ 3:14am, 7lb 8oz, 20.5 inches. Clomid, Crinone and baby aspirin. *Alexandra Claire born 9/14/10 @ 9:52am 6lb 14oz, 20.5 inches. Femara, Crinone and baby aspirin. Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Loading the player...
  • That is trouble!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • OMG - so adorable! ?We just lost our cat to kidney failure and the thought of a kitten is tempting...
    TTC #1 since June 2006. Unexplained.

    IUI#1: 50 mg of Clomid = BFN.
    IUI #2: 50 mg of clomid trigger = BFN
    On a breakLilypie 21 - 37 day cycle Ticker

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  • There are two!! It's still on my screen, just up in the corner! We have one black cat, he's just about a year and half old. I never wanted pets, but  boy am I hooked now! These little guys are too freaking cute.
  • Yay, kittens! They're sleeping now but I'll have to check back and see them when they're awake.
    *** It's funny because I'm fat ***
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