Mine is 14.7, and I am being put on prometrium, 2x/day. What is a good level?? I believe that I am very early on in my pregnancy, I think that I may have had O pains around the 9th of this month. So that means that if I conceived on that day I would be approx. 16 days past conception. I know that they are basing my labs on my LMP of Nov. 15th. But I know that I didn't conceive before then based on CM and O pains. I took my first pregnancy test on the 17th and it came back negative, and I did a couple more after that all negative. My first positive test was on the 24th...I am just scared of this not working out. Please any info you have would be so helpful! TIA
Re: Progesterone level???
Sounds like you have a few questions in here!
As for the progesterone level, see this site:
Sounds like your levels are fine, but the higher the better, and P4 supps are to make sure everything's OK.
Dating a pregnancy based on LMP basically gives you 2 "extra" weeks of gestation, just because that's how it's been done forever. So try not to get too hung up on that date right now.
How do your betas look?