Parenting after a Loss

going shopping for cuppa clothing tomorrow

okay ladies, please tell me what to buy and what sizes to buy.  i feel completely lost.  i only know how to buy clothing for myself, not a little peanut who isn't even here yet. 

she really only has some onesies (mostly short sleeved that i got from my sister) and 4 long sleeve white onesies that i bought.  i know i need to get sleepers (how many? what sizes?).  what else should i be buying?

clearly i'm in baby mode now, so i apologize in advance for the anticipated barrage of questions coming your way!

Re: going shopping for cuppa clothing tomorrow

  • Both of my kids wore newborn for the first month or two.  (They were 6lbs, 13 oz and 6lbs, 2oz at birth).  I would say to buy 6-8.  You want to have enough so that you don't have to do laundry all the time.  I would also buy a few outfits (Carters has great pants and shirts that mix and match).  If you have a Carters outlet near you I just bought some for Allie that were 70% off.  Don't forget socks. 

    Do you have a bundle me thing for the carseat?  If not you'll need something warm to put her in. 

    Have fun shopping :)

  • Please ask away!!?I also started to panic about clothing at the end.

    DD was in newborn size for about a month or so. I had to go out to Target and buy a few sleepers because I only had one in the newborn size. Honestly I got so many gifts and hand-me-downs I was REALLY glad I didn't spend a lot of money on clothing for her. Seriously, as soon as she was born the gifts came pouring in. And people love to buy clothing for baby girls!! Maybe my case was different because I didn't know what I was having so it was a big surprise for everyone? But I'm going to guess that you'll get more gifts than you'd think.

    If I were you I'd buy a few newborn sleepers (3-4) and maybe some nightgowns for sleeping and at least one swaddleme. I wouldn't buy anything else yet. If you do, keep the tags on. You don't have to wash everything now even though it feels like you do. Trust me, you'll be doing plenty of laundry once she gets here!

    The other thing I didn't realize then was that having a newborn didn't mean I'd be tied to my house. You can always go out and buy more stuff after she is here. I went to Target with DD when she was about 3 or 4 days old.?

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    DD was in newborn size for about a month or so. Honestly I got so many gifts and hand-me-downs I was REALLY glad I didn't spend a lot of money on clothing for her. Seriously, as soon as she was born the gifts came pouring in. And people love to buy clothing for baby girls!! Maybe my case was different because I didn't know what I was having so it was a big surprise for everyone? But I'm going to guess that you'll get more gifts than you think.

    If I were you I'd buy a few newborn sleepers (3-4) and maybe some nightgowns for sleeping and at least one swaddleme. I wouldn't buy anything else yet. If you do, keep the tags on. You don't have to wash everything now even though it feels like you do. Trust me, you'll be doing plenty of laundry once she gets here!


    I agree. 

  • Let me suggest sleepers with long sleeves and zippers, if you can find them.  There is nothing worse than trying to fight with snaps during the 3 a.m. feeding when your DD has spit up or blown through a diaper on yet the third or fourth outfit.  I have three of these right now and wish I had more--I have to do laundry all the time.

    Look for things that cover the feet.   There is not a sock or shoe that has been invented that will stay on either of my DC's feet as newborns. 

    With DS, I am a big fan of gowns, but I did not use them at all with DD 4 years ago.  They make changing diapers super easy (no snap/zipper issues at all), but when we had DD we lived in an old, drafty house.  She was constantly kicking her legs out of them and getting too cold.  Now we live in a newer house where we can better control the heat, and I loved them on DS for the first few weeks.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Zippers on sleepers are awesome! We also used the sleepsacks (you can get them at carters) WE had the ones that were open on the bottom, so depending on your house temp, I would get 6-8 of those or the closed ones. We also put onesies under everything, so you can never have too many in all sizes. Hats are needed too, light ones baby can wear inside. I did not really use any of the cute newborn sized outfits, with pants/shirts ect. We used them more when ds was in 0-3 and bigger. But in the beginning, basics are your friend. He was in sleepers or sleep sacks 99% of the time!
  • I would also recommend a few hooded towels. They are great for keeping baby warm after bath. We still use them, and used them in the summer too. They can not regulate body temp well when they are little.
  • Both of mine were in newborn sizes for about 5 weeks (my little girl still fits in some of the newborn sizes).  I would stick with newborn and buy less than you think you need because if you are like me in the beginning they wear the same ones over and over again because it is easiest to take them out of the dryer instead of climbing stairs to get them a new outfit. 

    I also rec. Target & Carter's both of them have great onesies, they are cheap, wash well, and fit my babies really well.   My babies live in the onesies with the feet (they sleep in them too, we just swaddle them up).  Dh hates the sleep sacks so we just use the regular onesies for bed. 

    Good luck, have fun.


  • I didn't buy any newborn stuff because everyone said she'd grow out of it too fast.  Well, she now has a total of 4 onesies that fit her-- everything else is enormous on her.  So my advice is buy more newborn stuff than you'd think.  At least a couple packs of onesies (the 4 pack kind).

    We also really like the nightgowns that bunch at the bottom, but specifically the kind that actually snap or zip down the front vs. having to pull it over her head.  We only have one of the snap kind (from Kohls) but I wish we had a couple more.  Nightgowns are really good for doctors visits, especially for Lilly since she gets blood taken from her heels practically every other day.  Much easier to lift it up than undressing a whole outfit.

    Blankets.  We go through a couple/several receiving blankets a day-- if theres no burp cloth around, we grap a blanket.  If it's too hard to unwrap her from her blankie for a diaper change, we just do it on the blanket and sometimes end up getting it dirty. 

    Try to find at least one really small hat for her, although the hospital may give you one.  All of ours at home are too big.

  • We got a ton of clothes, but we keep washing and using the same five outfits...for us it is KEY to have long-sleeved, footie pajamas THAT UNSNAP OR UNZIP ALL THE WAY from neck to crotch/foot. ?Short sleeved stuff is useless -- too cold. ?Things without legs or feet are also a pain -- socks and booties don't stay on. ?Anything that pulls on over the head is a double pain in the ass. ?Otherwise, the only thing we use all the time are these little three-snap undershirts...we have him in a diaper and undershirt under most outfits. ?Maybe we're just exceptionally lazy or it may be that our de-poopinating procedure messes up outfits more than the average baby, but I would look for outfits that fit that criteria and nothing else. ?At least for a winter baby.
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  • Oh, also Kiran will be 4 weeks on Monday and his newborn outfits are starting to be a little snug...
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