Success after IF

Prayers needed... u/s showed twin with developmental problems

I am 8 weeks pg right now. At my first u/s at 5 weeks, only one embryo was found.  At my 6 week u/s my RE found a second embryo but it was significantly smaller than the other one, my RE said that there were developmental issues with the smaller one and that I would likely miscarry the "little guy" and my body would just absorb him (a vanishing twin).  I started bleeding heavily at my 7 week u/s and my RE could not find the second embryo.  My RE believed that I had simply miscarried the little guy.  Well, I have my 8 week u/s today and they found the second embryo was still there (apparantly he was so small that they missed him on the u/s last week).  He was only measuring 5 weeks but they could detect a faint heartbeat.  So, my RE now believes the bleeding was from a hemmorage (pretty scary) and I need to stay off my feet for a bit. It may be related to problems with the placenta of the smaller embryo. Also, my RE is, to quote him "extremely concerned" about the second embryo.  He wants to closely monitor me and increase my u/s to every few days.  He also wants me to get CVS testing as soon as possible to see if there are chromosonal abnormalities, and mentioned the possibility of aborting the second embryo in case there are severe problems.  He also said that for thew next few months I will likely have few, if any, definitive answers. I am extremely worried - worried about the health of the little embryo, worried that the testing will indicate problems, worried this will hurt the larger embryo, worried about the volume of testing I'll need to go through.I went through so much to get pg, why on earth can't I just have a normal healthy pregnancy.  We are telling family and friends the good news about our pregnancy this weekend and I feel like this is just a black cloud over everything.

The good news in all of this is that the larger embryo is doing great.

Has anyone else experienced this?  I really need some inspirational stories right now. 

Re: Prayers needed... u/s showed twin with developmental problems

  • I just wanted to say I am so sorry.  I'm sure it is very frustrating and heartbreaking going through this without any answers. My prayers to you, your dh, the bigger embryo and your little guy too.
  • That whole situation seems scary. I will be praying for you and your babies.
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  • I'm so sorry you're going through this.  After IF no one should have to deal with all of these pregnancy issues.

    I'll be thinking of you and your babies. 

  • I am so sorry that this is happening.  I'm so hoping that little guy hangs on and that everything is ok with the larger one.  I can't imagine not worrying, but try to relax.
    TTC#1 since Feb 07 with PCOS and mild MFI
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  • Oh no....I'm so sorry.  What stressful and scary news.  I don't have any personal experience to share but wanted you to know that you will be in my prayers.
  • I'm so sorry - I can't imagine what you're going through right now.  You and your little ones will be in my thoughts.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    TTC since March '06
    MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
    3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
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  • no advice- but wanted to say you are in my prayers!!!
  • I'm so sorry you have to go through this.  I hope everything goes okay for you.
    Our miracle IVF baby - D 6/09 & J - Surprise! born 9/10!!!
  • Like the others, I have no advice, just good thoughts coming your way. I am very sorry you are going through this scare.
  • I am so sorry that you are going through this!  I will say a prayer for you and your twins.
    Nothing to see here....
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