So I have a list of things that I feel I must have for the baby. Among them being:
1. Baby Crack Machine
2. Happiest Baby on the Block DVD
3. Miracle Blanket
4. Moby Wrap
Items 1 and 2 I already got. Ms Y was my Elfster, so she got me item #2.
So today I ordered items # 3 and #4. I did get free shipping on the Moby Wrap. I spent an hour looking around for deals and finally found one on Free shipping! So the order was $39.99. The Moby site was $48 with shipping.
I only ordered one Moby and one MB. If I want another one, I can always order another one-no big deal.
So no more shopping for me.
Re: Bored at work=online baby shopping=not a good idea
I just ordered a tulle skirt for DD for her Birthday Party next Saturday, Hopfully it gets here by then. PRAY! She wore one for Christmas it was so cute I decided to order a pink one too.
Today was suppost to be shopping day for the baby but since it was uncooperative at out u/s we have to wait. I hate waiting.