Well, update on me, seems like I had a c/p with IVF#1.
Still waiting for a WTF appointment and I will update you as soon as we have it.
I feel so completely stupid for actually thinking I was PG. Stupid home pregnancy test. That's the very LAST time I ever take one.
Well, when we had our false hope, DH and I were totally planning on how we would tell everyone on Xmas.
Wooo freaking hooo - we got to IL's house and DH's cousin announced she was PG.
I seriously almost passed out. Why does this happen to me?
Anyway, I'm about to get fired, probably next week or so.
But on a brighter note, I'm waiting for AF so we can move on to IVF#2 or FET#1.
I really hope everyone had a good last few days. I have been in hiding so I'm about to go read up on what I've missed.
Re: Can't believe we got a PG announcement from DH's cousin on Xmas. And update.
Sorry:( That just sucks. We had a cousin's pg announcement on Christmas, too. I almost threw-up.
Ugh! Big hugs to you! As if the holidays aren't already hard enough to deal with you had that thrown in on top of it all- that just sucks! I hope you get to take the time to do something really nice and special for yourself- you certainly deserve it!