Parenting after a Loss

Ok it's time for Christmas Confessions

Re: Ok it's time for Christmas Confessions

  • * I really think that it's my SIL who has the problem with public bfing. And by public I mean in the living room where anyone can walk in. She made me believe it was her father & bro who would have a problem & they couldn't have cared less.

    * I told my sil that rather than go upstairs & nurse, I'd rather go to the car & she started crying. Oh well.... I proved my point. I will not be isolated because my child needs to eat. She'll eat with the rest of us.?

    * I told mil that she shouldn't "steal" dd from SIL this morning because sil never gets to hold her. MIL got pissed & I don't care. She sees dd at least 3-4x a week. Let someone else have a turn.

    * My niece told me she has a cold after holding dd for 10 minutes. I was super pissed.

    * FIL refuses to leave my damn nieces (7 & 9 yrs old) & dd alone when they're bonding (i.e. nieces holding her). STOP WITH THE DAMN CAMERA IN THEIR FACES! You have zoom. Take candid shots from the corner or something. Let them enjoy her too.?

    * I've decided not to go back to work. I tossed around the idea & I just can't do it. I just don't trust that my mil, who would be watching dd, will follow the way we're raising her.?

    * I love that dh stands up to his family. I also love that whatever we discuss he stands by.?

    * My love affair with chocolate continues and really has to end.?

    * I have eaten more latkes in the passed few days than I have my entire life. And if I could have chocolate covered latkes..... I'd be in all my glory. ?

  • I love our new house but I hate the moving, painting, and anything else that has to do with it. It just plain sucks, especially in the winter.

    I love that I was right about my son getting his first tooth today, its just poking through the gum.

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  • *It has been a long two days.  I had my family over last night and the IL's over today.  I enjoyed myself both days, but just a hard time dealing with everyone.....

    *My MIL got PISSSSSEEEEDDD at me today.  enough of an attitude where my SIL/BIL noticed it and made a comment to me later on....    reason she got pisssed.... b/c Jacob was crying, and I took him from her.  She made a comment that she'll have to talk to me about the CIO method.  UMMM.... I am not letting my 3 week old CIO... I may never let my 3 month old, or 3 year  old CIO..... grrrrr.

    *I have no patience for MIL anymore, especially when it comes to Jacob.   He wanted to sleep on my chest.  every ten minutes she wanted to take him from me.  I kept telling her that he needed to sleep, since he had been up too long and needed a nice and long nap.  she must have asked me for an hour straight to take him.   grrrrrrrrrr.

    *I am sad that Christmas is over, especially since this is the first christmas with a child, and each one after this will be different.

    * I secrelty decided today that I will have (hopefully) a second child by christmas  2010.... just have to get dh on board with my timeline.

    *I really wanted to have sex today.  I wish I wasn't still bleeding b/c I might have gotten my wish.... it has been way too long.


  • * I am upset that my engagement ring/wedding band don't fit yet.  I have no swelling, or weight gain left except in my fingers. boo hoo.  they were always the one small thing on my body.  I really hope that I don't have to get them re-sized. 
  • * i can't wait until i can post here as a mommy.  i kind of feel like i did when you were all on SAL and i was still trying for cuppa. 

    * i'm so excited that cuppa may actually have a name.  if i didn't hate that people have actual opinions in this world, i'd totally share it with everyone. 

    * i'm one of those opinionated people.  when my ex boyfriend emailed today to tell me his daughter was born last week and what he and his wife named her, i immediately thought to myself, "who would name their child that?"

    * we told my MIL last week that i have GD.  despite this, dinner last night at her house consisted of carbs piled on carbs with sides of carbs.  and then more carbs for dessert.  needless to say, i was hungry. 

  • - My MIL called us as we were driving to my mom's to let me know she had reserved a hotel room for Saturday.  Umm... my mom didn't come interrupt your time with ds, why are you interrupting my family's time???  If ds and I weren't staying an extra week, I would be super pissed.

    - All these goodies keep finding their way into my belly.  It's gotta stop!  :)

    - It irritates me that dh is hanging out with my family while I do all the dirty work with ds (not that I don't love bath time, etc).  I want to talk to my grandparents too!

  • *  Evie got her first black eye yesterday while she was at my parents.  They weren't watching her at the time and didn't really know how she did it.  I realize since she's still getting the hang of walking that things are going to happen.  But I'm irritated that they didn't watch her better.

    *Despite the spectacular awfulness of the past week, Christmas was good.  I would have been in a funk were it not for DS and DD. 

    *I found out today that the teenage daughter of someone my family knows is pregnant and due close to when I would have been due.  I had a really hard time with that and I feel stupid that it bothered me. 

    Mama to Lewis Elijah-11/18/05
    and Evangeline Mae - 12/06/07
    and two angels 3/17/07 at 5w and 12/16/08 - 11w partial molar pregnancy with bonus chemo
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Best Kind to Have-blog
  • * One of the upsides to the fire was "losing" some of the gifts that have been given to us that are not really my taste and NEVER having to worry about putting them out to satisfy anyone.  My MIL got us a candle set that I really didn't like a year and a half ago.  I told Dan in August about my secret guilt-free confession.  My MIL bought me the same set for Christmas.  I'm not kidding.  Dan's face when I opened it was priceless! 

    * I am sure that packing and moving for most in the winter is awful.  I CANNOT WAIT.  We are going out to my grandparents tomorrow, and then starting Saturday, we start the packing process.  It is still a month until we move in, but it will probably take me that long.  Nothing is organized here, and I want it to be in some sort of order so that unpacking is easier.  Seriously, I couldn't be more excited to be packing.

  • * I can't stop eating. Really, I can't.
    * I have had on again, off again cramping on one side like I did while pg with Quentin (implantation) cramping, and my period is 9 days late.
    * I want Taco Bell so bad right now, and probably already consumed 3,000 calories today.
  • *I am so excited that I got my gym membership for Christmas, but I am afraid I won't have time to use it.

    *I liked having MIL here, but I'm glad she's leaving tomorrow. If I hear, "have you tried blah blah blah" one more time

    *I got EVERYTHING that I wanted for Christmas

    *I ate waaaaay too much, but i'm ok with that?

  • *DS was asleep on my chest and it was the first time all day that he'd slept for more than 10 min and MIL started tickling him cuz she thought it was cute to see him flinch in his sleep.?

    *is it wrong to want to slap your MIL for thinking she knows everything and trying to undermine your parenting style?

  • I get so tired of my mom telling me "you'll learn...blah blah blah" or "you don't know how lucky you are that your baby is so good".  Um, yes I do!
    imageimageimageimageimage 9/07 m/c baby boy @ 18wks, 4/09 m/c @ 4.5wks
  • My SIL is psycho (BIL's wife not DH's sisters). I have talked about her before.  She is actually jealous that my cousin and DH's younger brother are "together." My cousin gets along well with DH's sisters and I think that also makes her jealous. Sometimes I wish her & BIL would just get divorced already so she wont come around anymore (they are very unhappy & she broadcasts this to anyone who will listen all.the.time.)

    Everyone loves to hold DD. And i dont mind one bit but I feel bad that she spits up quite frequently, its not a lot but its not a little either. No ones seems to mind but I feel bad and feel like i should always hold her so she doesnt get anyone else messy.

    DH freaked out about how much she spit up today. Says he has never seen her to that before. I have several times, she has reflux for crying out loud!! If he would pay attention and take care of her more, he would know she has her bad reflux days too!!

    I really enjoyed Christmas. She got some $$ and gift cards and I plan on getting a bumbo & exersaucer with it!!

  • I didn't miss seeing MIL or SIL for the holidays and actually really enjoyed it.


    I can't stop eating anything chocolate and cheesy.


    I realized that I might actually be a better cook than my mother.

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