Parenting after a Loss

Merry Xmas everyone! And a ? about mucus plug

Well, I'm pretty sure now that I am losing mine...I've had increased discharge for a couple of days and just now there was a good size chunk (sorry, TMI I know). 

How long after you lost yours did you go into labor?  Do I have to worry about  not making it to Sunday?

Re: Merry Xmas everyone! And a ? about mucus plug

  • I thought I lost mine a long time ago, but then once I was in the hospital (can't remember if the pit had been started at this point or not) I went to the bathroom and the REAL mp came out!  So for me it was the day I delivered.  I was having contrx of my own all that day, but technically I was induced, so I'm not sure if it would have been an idication of labor or not.

    I think some women can lose theirs weeks before labor starts, so you probably don't have to worry. 

    Am I missing something about Sunday or are you trying to get through the holidays?  Fingers crossed that all goes just how you like!

  • Thanks Gemini!

    Sunday is my scheduled c-section. So, it wouldn't be the end of the world if I went into labor before then but I'd like to hold out to Sunday if I can!

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  • i think about two weeks
  • Oh my gosh, Skat!  I am so out of the loop!  OK, now I'll be on Skatkittens alert:)
  • i lost mine 2x. Once a few weeks before labor & then again the day before.
  • So Sunday is the big day!  I'm so excited for you!
  • I lost mine over a few days, Friday-Sunday.  Then I went into labor the following Saturday.  So about a week.
  • Just like Gemini, I thought I was losing chunks for weeks and still ended up being induced and after they broke my water and started the pit I lost the "real" bloody part of the plug. Not sure if that means anything in terms of what you're dealing with, but I guess the point is, I'm pretty sure I lost parts of MP for weeks and never went into labor....
  • I lost mine on a Wednesday after having my membranes stripped on Tuesday... I went into labor that Saturday night. However, I was 40w,1d when I went into labor.  And I had no sign of labor from the loss of the mucus plug until the moment I went into labor.
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  • Lost mine 3 weeks before going into labor.  Good luck this Sunday & Merry Christmas!!  :)
    imageimageimageimageimage 9/07 m/c baby boy @ 18wks, 4/09 m/c @ 4.5wks
  • About a week or two before.  The day it was tinged with blood was the day I went into labor.
  • I lost mine the day before I went into labor! Seeing you posted this yesterday, now I have to stalk SAL and see if you're around!
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