How amazing Christmas can be with babies around. It brings on a whole new meaning..all of a sudden I could give a crap about me and my presents all I cared about was seeing my girls with their new toys. How blessed we are with these precious babies. I can't believe my sweet Christmas baby will be ONE on Saturday...what a blessed life we lead!
Kate and Ella say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of their SAiF friends!
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
Re: Wow I had no idea....
I know, Leslie! and we haven't even opened presents, yet!
merry christmas to you, your husband and your girls!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! I can't believe Kate is one already. It seems like a month ago....
Merry Christmas to you too...I'm a little late.
I spent all day yesterday playing with my new toy capturing pictures of the boys! They really could have cared less about much of anything we gave them yesterday haha.
Two Mc Peas In a Pod
Kayla's Grace