
Quick Update on my Christmas from Hell post

For those of you who didn't see my first post, we didn't have any working toilets earlier today.  In fact, we couldn't shower, wash dishes or anything, because the water would back up into the toilets.  We called a plumber who charged us $130 to come out and tell us it was the septic system and to call the septic guy.  The septic guy, of course, says it's the plumbing and can't come out until Friday.  I was looking for hotel rooms while MH and FIL went out to look at it and try some things another septic guy told them over the phone.  So FIL and MH think they've fixed the pipes/septic/plumbing. So far so good.  They spent hours and hours digging up a tank only to find out they just had to run the hose down an intake hole that pushed the blockage through and it's running great now.  Cross your fingers and your toes and say a prayer.  I think we'll have the new septic guy come out on Friday anyway just in case.  I'm just hoping that it really is fixed or at least we make it to Friday.  Anyway, for now, it seems like they found the block and fixed it all one their own...without breaking anything.  It's a miracle!!!

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