
Rubbing eyes?

Ruby has starting rubbing her eyes and face throughout the day. Could this be related to teething? She started this a week ago, around when she starting chewing her fingers and drooling more.

Her hands are always on her face when she's falling asleep but I've also seen her doing this when I don't think she's tired...

What do you think?

Re: Rubbing eyes?

  • DD currenly has a tooth coming in and is doing this a lot during and immediately following solid meals.  She doesn't nap after solids, so it isn't a sleepy thing.  I noticed it, but hadn't connected it to teething for sure, but it started recently and could very well be related.
  • I was going to guess that maybe the air was dry - but isee you are in TX so that's less likely.  My DDs only rub their eyes when they are sleepy i think. .. though i don't know if they are teething yet. 
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